Arlandia Domains

Domains are huge fields players can build where they can settle politic, economic and social activities of their choice. There are 9 slots available for most of the buildable structures. And most of them can be upgraded from level 1 to level 5, giving more bonuses and reducing the costs. Each upper level is more expensive than the precedent one, but the five levels are cumulative. Some structures (like airships) can not be multiples on the domain.

Here is a list of all the available structures :



Like in cities and in towns, domains can have an airship station.

Description :

- level 1 : airship (linked to all other airship stations of the planet).
- level 2 : airship comes 2 times pro day.
- level 3 : holder gets half of the tickets sale income.
- level 4 : airship comes 3 times pro day.
- level 5 : holder gets all the tickets sale income and can travel for free from his domain.



Amusement place

Like in real amusement places, domains can have their own entertainments.

Description :

- level 1 : amusement place with 1 type of game.
- level 2 : amusement place with 3 types of game.
- level 3 : holder gets half of the incomes.
- level 4 : amusement place with 5 types of game.
- level 5 : holder gets all the incomes.




A casern generates henchmen, with define time for each level. Domain owners can choose the race, the class and the equipment of the henchmen.

Description :

- level 1 : casern with weak henchmen (level 4).
- level 2 : casern with medium-weak henchmen (level 6).
- level 3 : casern with medium henchmen (level 8).
- level 4 : casern with medium-strong henchmen (level 11).
- level 5 : casern with strong henchmen (level 15).



Central Place

The central place is a decorative and relaxing place for all domain workers.

Description :

- level 1 : benches and trees (decorative).
- level 2 : fountain (production is 1% faster).
- level 3 : statue 1 (pray = stoneskin (temporary)).
- level 4 : statue 2 (pray = +50% HPs (temporary)).
- level 5 : statue 3 (pray = Gorochem).




Domains can have their own dungeons, ruled by the holder.

Description :

- level 1 : dungeon with level 1 creatures and treasures.
- level 2 : dungeon with level 2-3 creatures and treasures.
- level 3 : dungeon with level 4-5 creatures and treasures.
- level 4 : dungeon with level 6-7 creatures and treasures.
- level 5 : dungeon with level 8-9 creatures and treasures.

Note : until level 4, the holder can not enter the dungeon, only visitors can enter in it. But from the level 4, the holder can accompagny visitors in his own dungeon.




The domain entry is the first area where everybody can enter the domain.

Description :

- level 1 : road (decorative).
- level 2 : domain door (production is 1% faster due to safety).
- level 3 : galactic mailbox 1 (items can be put in the mailbox for the holder).
- level 4 : galactic mailbox 2 (items can be sent on the same planet).
- level 5 : galactic mailbox 3 (items can be sent the whole galaxy).




Extractors are used to extract the resources of the planet in big quantities.

Description :

- level 1 : can extract 1 resource.
- level 2 : can extract 3 resources at the same time.
- level 3 : container contenance is doubled.
- level 4 : can extract 5 resources at the same time.
- level 5 : extractor speed is doubled and it can be linked with factories.




The factory is the automatic crafting force of the domain.

Description :

- level 1 : can craft 1 item type.
- level 2 : can craft 3 item types.
- level 3 : container contenance is doubled.
- level 4 : can craft 5 item types.
- level 5 : container speed is doubled and can be linked with extractors, farms, fields, sawmills and other factories.

*) click here to see examples of combination possibilities of the factory !




Livestock can be raised in the domain farms (this structure can not be built in forests).

Description :

- level 1 : can raise 1 animal type.
- level 2 : can raise 3 animal types.
- level 3 : container contenance is doubled.
- level 4 : can raise 5 animal types.
- level 5 : farm speed is doubled and it can be linked with factories.




Plants that can grow on the planet can be planted and cut (this structure can not be built in forests).

Description :

- level 1 : can grow 1 plant type (no rare plante).
- level 2 : can grow 3 plant types (no rare plante).
- level 3 : container contenance is doubled.
- level 4 : can raise 5 plant types (no rare plante).
- level 5 : field speed is doubled and it can be linked with factories (rare plants included).




A guild is a groupment of several players. When players of a guild play together, they get bonuses.

Description :

- level 1 : experience points are raised by 1%.
- level 2 : normal shops costs are reduced by 10%.
- level 3 : experience points are raised by 4%. Holder gets half of the membership fees.
- level 4 : hit points are raised by 100% after resting.
- level 5 : AC is raised by 2 after resting. Holder gets all the membership fees.

Note : to apply the guild bonuses, at least 3 guild members have to be near each other.




The Domain Hall is the political, economical and social activity center of the Domain. The holder can take decisions or try to control a planet.

Description :

- level 1 : domain hall (possibility of welcome other players to discuss)
- level 2 : possibility to have a special place on the planet public boards (message is written on all message boards of the planet).
- level 3 : possibility to rule the nearest areas (privileges)
- level 4 : with 4 level 4 domain halls on the same planet, a player can ask for planet governance. If accepted, he has to build one level 5 domain hall (capital).
- level 5 : capital of the ruled planet. The holder is the King of the planet.




This is a house that can be leased to visitors. The house of the holder is the "personal house".

Description :

- level 1 : one chest.
- level 2 : resting = +50% HPs.
- level 3 : holder gets half of the rent fee.
- level 4 : one more chest, resting = +50% HPs.
- level 5 : special objects and items available. Holder gets all the rent fee.




Like in cities and in towns, domains can have an inn.

Description :

- level 1 : inn shop and possibility to rest, rested people get 100% hit points bonuses.
- level 2 : rested people get 50% hit points bonuses.
- level 3 : holder gets half of the rests fees.
- level 4 : rested people get 50% hit points bonuses.
- level 5 : holder gets all the rests fees.



Mission Office

Like in cities and in towns, domains can have a mission office, where players can take mission from a plot giver.

Description :

- level 1 : missions.
- level 2 : domain gains = +10% GP.
- level 3 : holder gets a quarter of the money reward for each finished mission.
- level 4 : missions GP rewards = x2.
- level 5 : holder get half of the money reward for each finished mission.



Personal house

This is the home of the domain holder.

Description :

- level 1 : small house, one chest, resting = +50% HPs.
- level 2 : resting = +50% HPs.
- level 3 : medium house, relax room (temporary bonuses).
- level 4 : one more chest, resting = +50% HPs.
- level 5 : big castle house, special objects and items available, healing baths, resting = +50% HPs.




Sawmills are used to cut the wood of the planet (this structure can only be built in foothills and forests).

Description :

- level 1 : can extract 1 type of wood.
- level 2 : can extract 3 types of wood at the same time.
- level 3 : container contenance is doubled.
- level 4 : can extract 5 types of wood at the same time.
- level 5 : sawmill speed is doubled and it can be linked with factories.




The school is a place where players can learn a few feat for reduced prices.

Description :

- level 1 : trainer shop.
- level 2 : visitors win 50 XPs when buying a talent.
- level 3 : holder get 10% of the shop incomes.
- level 4 : feats can be learned for half the normal XPs cost.
- level 5 : holder get 20% of the shop incomes.



Like in cities and in towns, domains can have their own shops.

Description :

- level 1 : normal shop.
- level 2 : shop with better prices.
- level 3 : holder gets 50% of the sold items prices.
- level 4 : shop with best prices.
- level 5 : holder gets 100% of the sold items prices.




Like in cities, domains can have a starship station.

Description :

- level 1 : starhip (linked to all other near planets).
- level 2 : starhip comes 2 times pro day.
- level 3 : holder gets half of the tickets sale income.
- level 4 : starhip can go farther than normal starships (inside star system).
- level 5 : holder gets all the tickets sale income and can travel for free from his domain.




Like in cities and in towns, domains can have a tavern.

Description :

- level 1 : simple tavern.
- level 2 : low automatic reward (for commoner people).
- level 3 : holder gets half of everything sold in the tavern (additionnaly to the automatic reward).
- level 4 : visiting commoner tripled (= automatic reward tripled).
- level 5 : shows can sometimes come in the tavern (= temporary automatic reward doubled). Holder gets all the money from the items sold in the tavern.




Temples are the healing places in Arlandia. They work like modern hospitals.

Description :

- level 1 : temple shop.
- level 2 : HPs healing.
- level 3 : strong curses healing (restoration).
- level 4 : Life Points sold for half of the normal XP price.
- level 5 : resurections (dead party members).




Domains can have their own towers, ruled by the holder.

Description :

- level 1 : tower shop.
- level 2 : enigms room.
- level 3 : special cauldron for crafting (-5 DC).
- level 4 : crafting near the cauldron = +5 XPs/item.
- level 5 : portal (teleports anywhere in the galaxy).




The walls delimit the domain area and protect all people inside the domain from outer creatures.

Description :

- level 1 : Fences (decorative).
- level 2 : Wood walls (increases production by 2%).
- level 3 : Brick walls (increases production by 3%).
- level 4 : Stone walls (reduces construction costs by 5%).
- level 5 : Castle walls (reduces construction costs by 10%).



Other structures may be added in the future.